It seems as if many of my friends are spitting out their thoughts onto Facebook. I greatly respect a person who can put their thoughts into words, a coveted skill by many. Some want to write their everyday thoughts and share them with the world daily; I’m surprised they don’t list when they use the bathroom, and others pick their words very wisely. If I shared what went through my head everyday, I’d probably be shot or something, so I’ll just share every once in a while.
Recently I’ve really thought about how Christianity really blows.
I mean think about it, Christians are supposed to give up everything they have to something they can’t even touch or see. In return, they receive “love”. This love can be seen has pure luck to some, blessings to others, and sometimes just simply disregarded. There’s also this really confusing part about how three people are really just one. Ok, what? Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Why is it that the materialism of affluent Christians contradicts the claims of Jesus Christ? I mean at times, the example that today’s Christians set are probably the biggest contributory factor resulting in atheism.
How is our personal outcome of eternity, which is forever, based on the very short time that we are here on Earth? That doesn’t make any sense to me…
There’s so many confusing aspects that I can get caught up in. Then people try to Bible Bash the hell out of you, which totally pisses me off. What are they really witnessing? I guess I can honestly say that I know almost nothing about Christianity, even after going to church my whole life and attending a “
Ever heard of Scientology? Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, and rumored even Will Smith are followers of “the study of truth.” Has anyone actually looked up what L. Ron Hubbard’s religion actually is? Again, I’ll let you read for yourself, but I’ll give you a preview:
The purpose of Scientology is to know; to achieve complete certainty of one’s spiritual existence and one’s relationship to the Supreme Being. In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith, the tenets of Scientology are expected to be tested and seen to either be true or not by Scientology practitioners. That which is true for you is what you have observed to be true. There are also secret “upper” levels of Scientology, which are only available by invitation from the church, after a review of character, ethics, and contribution to the Aims of Scientology. Among these advanced teachings, one episode revealed is the story of Xenu and his Galactic Confederacy. Xenu is introduced as an alien ruler of the “Galactic Confederacy” who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth in a spacecraft. He then stacked the people around volcanoes, and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living. The alien souls continue to do this today, causing a variety of physical ill-effect in modern day humans.
People believe this.
To me I never seem to come to the obvious answer that I’m hoping for. Most of you who are reading this are probably like, “What? Um is this kid stupid?”
--I can say that there must be this “Jesus Christ”, but only because I have had recent experiences where I feel like I have had conversations with Him.
Yet, I still seem to be unsatisfied with Christianity--
I think this is a positive and negative truth all at once...
I feel like this as well. "Christianity" has become so skewed-so convenient. It has become whatever works for a group of people. It has lost it's original depth, meaning, value.
Thank God for people who do experience Him...and for people who are fed up with the way things are. It is up to us to not just talk about it, but to do something about it.
There are plenty others who feel this have the chance to show them a little bit of light.
ps- i miss you
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